Thursday 21 December 2023

Deadcember - Necromancers vs Vampires

Deadcember is upon us and what better time for the undead to rise.... against eachother.

The Cult of Necromancers had been hard at work, researching the location of the elusive unholy relic, the skull amulet of Krell, its true powers yet unknown.

They have tracked down the most likely hiding place in an old forgotten graveyard and the three, Roderich, Mortimer and Faust, set out to retrive the item. When they arrived, it seemed they were not the only ones to learn of the relic's whereabouts.

Upon reaching the graveyard walls, Faust curses as the three vampires, Barbs, Whiskii and Ghoulia have also made an appearance, obviously acting on information from spies. They bring with them vampire bats, ghouls, and skeletal contingients of spears, swords and cavalry.

The necromancers are not ill prepared, having raised a small zombie horde, their own skeletal contingents, a gargoyle they constructed and have enlisted the service of two harpies.

Both sides advance to the graveyard, eager to begin searching the tombs, but also willing to put a stop to their opponents similar efforts.

The first to attack is the gargoyle, swooping down to smash into the cavalry on the flank, tearing bones and ripping through armour.

The vampire bats seize the opportunity for a rear strike and descend upon the gargoyle, scratching and gouging at its stony exterior with razor sharp talons of their own.

The necromancers flank cavalry waste no time in charging the vampire bats in the rear, outright lancing one of their number through spine and rib. A massive furore ensues, with all sides stabbing, clawing, shredding and tearing, bloodless but for the bats.

Barbs, followed by her undead cat familliar, Felix, summons a swarm of rats from the catacombs beneath the graves and sends them to harrass Faust. Swarming over him, they bite and gnaw his flesh and he curses again, stomping and slashing them till none remain moving.

Ghoulia marches her skeleton contingent into the opposite side of the graveyard and heads for the nearest tomb, while Whiskii searches a grave to find it empty. 

Whiskii summons a restless spirit, but Roderich blasts the ghost with his skull-artifact of life draining, turning it into ethereal nothingness.

As Barbs searches the first inlaid tomb, she discovers it to be devoid of the relic and orders the spear skeletons to charge the zombies. The zombies prove to be no match for the spearmen, adept at striking the head and destroying the brain.

The harpies descend upon the sword and shield skeleton unit as Ghoulia is careful to stay behind her boney protectorates. With several losses, the skeletons eventually cut down the harpies, leaving their corpses on the ground in a pool of blood-soaked feathers.

Enraged by the loss of her summoned spirit, Whiskii fires a chilling missile from her staff at Roderich, whose flesh ices over instantly, causing him to topple face first into the ground and shatter into large, frozen chunks of dead necromancer.

Satisfied, Whiskii then summons another ghost, who rises from the vault and begins to claw at the zombies. They being to freeze and seize up at the touch of the ghost and though they try to claw and bite, the zombies physical attacks pass right through the ethereal being.

Mortimer searches the vault and then another grave, but alas, no relic is to be found.

On the flank, the gargoyle is finally destroyed, crumbling into chunks of stone, and the vampire bats are vanquished, leaving the skeletal horsmen locked in a final combat that would see the last three standing belong to the vampires. 

On the other flank, the necromancers cavalry win their engangement, with two remaining.

As the battle rages on, it is Barbs who finally discovers the relic in a dilapidated sarcophagus. She truns to Felix, her cat, and ushers him on home.

In the middle of the graveyard, Faust drinks a healing potion and challenges Whiskii to a duel. With zombies and ghouls on one side and skeletons on the other, the altercations begin. 

Faust wounds Whiskii with his necrotic sword, but is in turn wounded by her staff. Whiskii casts her life draining frost spell, but it is diminshed and absorbed by Fausts' proctevie ward.

The ghouls make short work of the zombies, tearing them limb from limb and feasting upn their rotted corpses. The spear skeletons outclass the sword unit, but cannot defeat them. The ghouls round the vault and smash into the sword unit, destroying them.

With a final blow, Whiskii jabs Faust in the head, which begins to freeze down through the rest of his body. Licking the blood from her wounds, she kicks him over and watches as he breaks apart into frozen pieces.

On the flank, the skeletons fight back the sword and shield contingent, and Ghoulia overreachers her fighting abilities and is pierced through the heart by a spear. She collapses to the ground, screaming, her body turns to ash, blown away by the wind.

With his fellow necromancers dead, and the army defeated, Mortimer attempts to flee, only to have the ghost claw at his robes. He uses all his strength to summon a second spirit and orders it to fight, escaping only to be chased down by the ghouls.

 He makes his final stand, fending off all the attacks, blocking filthy claws and corpse-meat jaws with an amazing display of quarterstaff prowess.
Seeing this, Whiskii lets loose another chilling blast from her staff, caring not a jot for the ghouls, for as the bolt of magic strikes, the surrounding grass and moss and creeping ivy turn white with ice crystals, and both ghouls and necromancer freeze in seconds. With the wave of her hand, all explode into icy fragments.

With the Necromancers defeated and the relic attained, Barbs, Felix and Whiskii return to their haven to sip on nobleman blood from golden chalices whist laughing in the moonlight.
"I never liked Ghoulia anyway." said Barbs, patting Felix gently on his half expsoed skull.

Saturday 14 October 2023

Orctober Waaagh vs Chubbs' Halloween Army

 Orctober Waaagh vs Chubbs' Halloween Army

Grom the Paunch rallies an orc army to take on Chubbawubba the Ancient Necromancer, whom they refer to as 'Chubbs'. The necromancer is over a thousand years old and his flesh has long since perished, leaving him all but bones in robes, held together by dark magic and force of will. Tales of his mastery of terror and adeptness at raising the dead are legendary, but then again, tales  of the girth of Grom are also legendary.

The two armies face each other in a narrow forest pass of quickly made terrain using old bits of a salvaged Christmas tree and some artificial lawn with a smattering of ancient green moss.

Grom recruits three boar boys tusker chariots to ride with his own, arrer boyz from the Evil Sunz clan and the skullsplitters clan, a shaman inamongst the boyz from the skullsplitters clan, big 'uns 'Eadhunters with dual choppas and the Evil Sunz Black Orcs. Joining them are four stone trolls, an Orc Shaman on an Ironback boar, a drunk giant named Freddy and the rock lobba with an orc bully.

Chubbawubba was often knocked down, but he always got up again... for years after everyone thought they had heard the last of him. This time he raises a giant from the dead and orders it to hoist his throne on high so that he may survey the entire battlefield. Chubbs brings another necromancer, two units of undead cavalry, two wights on nightmares, three spirit hosts, a banshee, two units of dire wolves each led by a doom wolf, three undead rat swarms, vampire bats, a unit of skeletons armed with swords and shields and a unit of skeletons armed with spears and shields flying the screaming souls banner.

The Halloween Army dashes forward with the vampire bats landing behind the trees for cover. The rats and wolves race forward eager to consume greenskin flesh. One of the wraith knights chrages directly through the trees, assisted by Danse Macabre.

The orc army falls instantly into disarray, with in-fighting happening all across every rank and every unit, even the black orcs take off their helmets to bash eachother with them in arguments about who killed the most 'dead fings' last time and who was a 'scaredy squig'.

The trolls take a few steps forwards and then spend the rest of the battle sitting down in a circle playing a game of who can pick out the biggest booger from their nose and flick it in the air.

The rocklobber and the bone giant exchange boulders, mostly missing until the lobba takes out the entire skeleton cavalry on the eastern side, even though the other wraith and ethereal spirit host were hit, they pass through the rock without any harm, much to the shock of the goblin crew.
Directly after, the bone giant tosses a rock into the back of one of the chariots, killing the weaponboy and smashing the back of the chariot, lifting the boars temporarily off the ground. The steererboy briefly looks back to see the limbs of his companion barely sticking out from under the stone, before turning back and losing his head to the wraith knight.

 On the other side of the orc line, two of the chariots split and veer to the left. The Orc Shaman sneakily rides through the forest and the giant moves up using the trees as cover. 

The chariots quickly encounter a charge from rats, wolves and bats simultaneously. Panicked, the boars crash into eachother, squealing in terror and riders get thrown the the ground, desperately failing around with their choppas, only to get ripped apart by tooth, talon and claw.

The vampire bats descend upon the Shaman, bloodied and screaming, one slashing into the orc's shoulder with razor sharp talons, only to have it's belly sliced open by the razor tusks of the ironback boar. Summoning the power of Gork, the Shaman's eyes spark with growing green magic plasma and casts Brainbursta, causing the heads of all four remaining bats to explode with bits of foetid brain and skull flying everywhere. "Dat'll Halloween yas!"

Continuing on through the remains of the chariot, the wraith charges into Grom, damaging the chariot and slicing into Grom's enormous belly, which regenerated instantly. Grom swings his Axe and the wraith is banished from the physical plane in a cloud of shadowy wisps.

With no time to get the chariot back in action, Grom is swarmed by the direwolves on both sides an the fray becomes one of living and dead wolves furiously snapping and growling, Grom relentlesly swining his great axe amongst the stench of blood and decay. Even one of the spirit hosts joins in, only to be instantly evaporated by a swift blow from Grom's axe.

The rat swarm swells over into the arrer boys and into Grom's chariot, biting and scurrying all over the archers as the desperately try to stomp and chop them. One rat jumps into the face of one of the archers, biting his nose. "I got 'im!" yells his comerade, only to have a choppa miss the rat and go right through his head. "Oops... um, da rat did it. It wasn't me."

The Shaman moves out to assist with the rats, but is intercepted by the remaining wraith knight. Expertly wheeling around his tusker, the shaman dodges the attacks of the knight and lands a blow from his skull stuff, smashing the wraith back into the aether in a cloud of shadowy wisps.

Turning to the rats he glares at them, his eyes turning bright green and full of magic. A green firey missile shoot into the the last of the rats, blowing them asunder.

Grunting with satisfaction, the shaman turns his head back toward the undead lines and the smirk suddenly drops from his face. Floating and wild-eyed, the transparent form of the Banshee rushes toward him, issuing an unholy shriek that bursts his eardrums and chills his organs. The shaman falls from the ironback, dead, his eyes turning milky white.

The archers, severely depleted in number and seeing the spirit host and banshee before them, seek shelter in the forest, only to be pursued by the ghosts. Freddy the giant, drunk as he may have been, decides that this is not the kind of fight he signed up for and backs away warily wondering if the skeletal giant was once one of his relatives and then runs home.

Whipping the rock lobba goblin crew into action, the orc bully realises the threat of the cavalry coming for Grom as the last of the direwolves drops to the forest floor. Carefully aiming, the launch the biggest boulder they have. Unfortunaley, due to the extra wieght of the stone, it misses the undead riders andinstead destroys a group of trees beside them.

The banshee turns upon Grom and with an ear-splitting scream, causes the Great Paunch to hold his head in pain, blood leaking from both his ears.

Escaping the flying boulder, the skeletal cavalry charge Grom's chariot and although many bones shatter, the chariot breaks apart, the wolves being flung through the air and Grom being thrown to the ground, injured and too fat to get up. Niblit curses from somewhere underneath Grom's massive form.

The arrerboyz of the Evil Suns, having spent most of the battle fighting, stumbling foward, running into hedges and being run into by the squabbling 'Eadhunters, eyes wide in disbelief at Grom's defeat, now run for the hills and off the battlefield. This of course causes the Skullsplittas to panic and also run, taking the shaman with them, leaving the ethereals to chase thm off.

From the high vantage point of his throne, held aloft by the skeletal giant, Chubbs laughs maniacly at the pathetic resistance of the orc war party and their crushing defeat and commands the skeletons to dance for his amusement on All Hallows Eve.


Tuesday 24 January 2023



At last! The Ironbreakers unit is complete.
I had most of these guys finished already, but the shields looked pale and uninspiring, so I replaced them all, keeping only two of the original and then painted them all in vivd colours, representing the heat of the furnace where each ironbraker chips the anvil to attain status.

I do love the original 1980's Marauder Ironbreakers the best and they are some of my oldest minis. There is a sneaky miniture from Prince Ulther's Dragon company in the mix which, when I painted him had no idea about the regiment of renown, with the heraldry of the Argent Tower, a medieval reeactment group I ran for a while.
I never liked the overly armoured sculpts of the newer Ironbreakers, but the command unti wasn't too bad, and after some modifications and a bannerpole from the Anvil of Doom, it fit the unit nicely.

The first Ironbreaker I painted was this guy, way back when I swapped from enamels to acrylics.
The shield design is from the Merlin Tarot set.

Saturday 21 January 2023

Thorek Ironbrow, Anvil Guards and the Anvil of Doom

Thorek Ironbrow, Anvil Guards and the Anvil of Doom.

I had been using my Ral Partha Runesmith for so long on a home made anvil, that when I got the Citadel model, I left these guys unpainted for ages. I finsihed the anvil first and even had a few games, but Thorek and the guards waited around for paintstripping and undercoat.

I had a hell of a time trying to figure out if the model was Kragg the Grim or Thorek Ironbrow, as there seems to be a lot of people that either choose for themselves, because the model was simply part of "The Anvil of Doom" with Runesmith and Anvil Guards. Other models of Kragg and Thorek certainly exist, but this one is a bit of a mystery. I think I'll simply go with Thorek.

His runestaff was broken and missing the top part when I bought him, and one of the flagpoles on the anvil was also missing. Fortunately for me, I never did like the lightning bolt motif, and had a spare plasma globe from an Empire wizard in the bits box. The single anvil pole became the Ironbreakers' banner. 

The models wern't too difficult to paint, and some of the detail was lost, as they had previously been banged around a bit, but I'm happy with the overall result, especially the plasma ball, which was actually the fourth item I tried for the staff top.

The Anvil of Doom has become increasingly a necessity to take against the Vampire Counts and the Undead, as they absolutley dominate me in the magic phase and lay waste to my Dwarves with their evil Necromantic spells.