Monday 18 May 2020

Grom the Paunch (MKI)

I purchased the chariot and wolves, but Grom and Niblit were awol, so I decided to make Grom from spare parts and putty. I didn't really take too long about it because it was more of a silly test project and a way to make use of some spare bits.

The wolves were already half painted, so I touched them up slightly, but again, really didn't spend too much time on them as I was preparing for Grom MKII to arrive from Avatars of War, making use of the Toadgobbler model for Grom. I nabbed some Fenris wolves for the chariot and I'm glad I did, because the chariot model itself with its mammoth tusks and sculpted skulls and warheads is a really spectacular model.

Stay tuned for Warlord Grom MKII.

Skarsnick and Gobbla

From the foggy island came Skarsnick with a busted prodda and Gobbla MKI, which I kinda preferred to the actual model of Gobbla, perhaps because I have a thing for mohawks.

I reworked these two for ages, repainting and changing the colour scheme till finally deciding on the yellow of the Bad Moon to tie the army together.

Once I got some better moss and bushes I updated him again, and now he is ready to lead the monopose forces of the green tide.