Undead vs Goblins
Goal - The undead army, raised and controlled by the Necromancers Circle of Eebil attmpt to gain control of the lonesome graveyard to raise the spirits within.
Special rules: Any one of the three Necromancers needs to reach base contact with the graveyard tile and spend the magic round summoning the spirits. If successful, 2d6 wraiths are raised and on the roll of a 12 the Screaming Banshee will be also be released.
The Undead Lineup:
Skeleton Cavalry with lances and shields, Apprentice Necromancer, Skeleton Warriors with sword and shield, standard, musician and captain, the Plague Cart, Skeleton Warriors with Spears and shield, captain, musician and standard, zombies, Notsonorm the Necromancer (general), Vampire Bats, Skeleton Archers, Apprentice Necromancer and more Skeleton Cavalry.
The Goblin Lineup:
Goblin Worf Riders, Night Goblin Spears with shields and standard, Night Goblin Archers with Fanantics, musician and Shaman, Goblin Spears and light armour with Shaman and standard, Stone Troll with orc handler, Squig Hopper, Spear Chucker with 2 crew, Goblin Spears with light armour and standard, Night goblin swrod and shield with banner and Shaman (general), Goblin spears with light armour and standard, Night Goblin archers with musician.
Undead begin the Turn by advancing at a march with the Vampire bats carefully landing behind the cavalry on the flank.
The Goblins mostly argue amongst themselves and a snot throwing session breaks out between the archers and the spear units on both flanks. The Squig Hopper bounces over the line toward the skeleton cavalry and the Spear Chucker lands a direct hit into one of the riders, destroying the skeleton. The shot carries on into one of the Bats, who yanks out the bolt and tosses it away unharmed with a snarl.
The Skeleton Cavalry advance and the Bats fly to the centre of the battle line.
The Goblin Shamans yell at the troops who finally notice the undead advancing and cease their snot throwing activities and advance. Chibbygribby the general sneakily casts Hand of Gork and thrusts the archer line forward, triggering the release of the fanatics. The orc relentlesly whips the troll attempting to move him forward, but the brute simply picks his nose and flicks it aimlessly away into the Spear chucker crew, causing them to miss their target.
One of the fanatics whirls through the zombie pack, smashing two of their rotting corpses through the air and then connecting with Notsonorm, smashing his ribs and causing internal bleeding, but he carries on, badly wounded. Through bloodied lips he casts Danse Macabre and the Skeleton archers move with unholy speed toward their enemy.
Finally the troll begins to lumber forward toward the graves while the wolf riders overcome their fear of the cavalry and charge, destroying two of their number. The fight turns savage and even though one of the wolf riders is slain, the undead cavalry could not hold out and the remaining bones fall to the ground, their magic failing to keep them together. Two of the fanatics wrap their ball and chain around their bodies ending with iron to the face.
The plague cart advances and shakes the morale of the archers, who fail to muster up the courage to shoot it, as the skeleton infantry advance. The zombies pick up new vigour and engage the stone troll, as Notsonorm successfully casts Danse Macarbe once again even though this triggers the other night goblins to push more 'shroom fueled fanatics out of their ranks.
The fanatics tear through the cavalry on the other flank, with bone and lance shattering through the air, threatening the skeleton infantry back line. The Squig Hopper rider desperately tries to control the squig, but the jumping fungus is too powerful and jumps far behind the enemy line.
The Spear Chucker crew free themselves from troll snot and manage to launch a bolt through three of the zombies who lumber around briefly all pinned together before falling to the ground.
The remaining cavalry on the left flank charge the night goblin archers, sending them into a panic. They flee directly into the infantry behind them, causing the spears and sword units to break into a screaming mess, ignoring the threats and howls of Chibbygribby to get back into the fight.
The zombies desperately claw at the troll to no avail as the stoney hide is far too thick for them to penetrate. The troll smashes the zombies into the ground left and right with his pet rock.
Gribbleguts the shaman casts Hand of Mork and the apprenice necromancer on the right flank is squished like a bug under Mork's thumb.
The Vampire Bats launch a devastating charge on the wolf riders, tearing one of the riders limb from limb. The wolves respond in turn, savagely ripping into the bats with their jaws, rending flesh and snapping bone. The riders stab the bats with their spears over and over till they cease moving.
Meanwhile, the skeleton spear infantry advance alongside the plague cart, it's ombinous bell signalling the impending doom as the Necromancer arrives at the grave site and prepares to cast the spell that will raise the unholy spirits.
Gribbleguts the shaman, realising the gravity of the moment screams at the archers to fire at the Necromancer, which half of them do, with one arrow fatally wounding him, sending him face down into the dirt. "Ha! Dig 'im 'is own grave, deaduns!" With that, he casts Hand of Mork and and a great green hand reaches down and squishes the cart driver, sending the undead ox back into the aether.
Things don't go so well on the other fronts, as one of the fanatics, dizzy with spinning, smashes through the Spear Chucker and crew sending splinters of wood and goblin in every direction. Likewise, another fanatic blasts through the spear unit, narrowly missing Gribbleguts who hits the ground, hands over his head, spitting out grass, dirt and curses.
The only spear unit not to run gains even more spirit by yelling loudly and charges the skeleton spear unit. The battle rages on fiercely with many casualties on each side. The troll wipes out the remaing zombies, his pet rock now massively stained with zombie guts and coagulated blood.
The Skleton archers take advantage of the wolves being distracted by their kills and shoots one of the riders through the eye. The others hide behind their shields and urge their wolves to attack.
Realising that he was the only hope left, the apprectice necromancer moves in toward the graveyard, and seizing his opportunity, casts Gaze of Nagash on the troll, melting his flesh in waxy streams. However, much to the necromancer's shock, the troll regenerated almost instantly.
The goblins retreat from the battlefield, taking Chibbygribby with them and the general is lost. The goblin spears become overwhelmed by the skeleton infantry and break, causing the archers to break as well, leaving the entire flank running for the hills. The squig hopper reigns in the squig but misses the target by a few feet. The orc handler whips the troll into action towards the apprentice necromancer.
The necromancer sees an opportunity to cast Gaze of Nagash on Gribbleguts and melts the flesh off his bones, leaving him a steaming pile of stinking robes and bones. The troll charges the necromancer and pounds him into the ground, causing the skeletons to crumble apart.
The troll forgets that the rock was his pet and leaves it on the ground on top of the crushed necromancer, farts loudly and wanders off with the orc handler looking around in wonder.